
I, C, C, and C

The question I get the most is "what is information design and technology?" To which I answer differently each time. To some, design is what they understand and to others, technology is what they understand. But what is it combined? I find that many of my family members do not even understand that there are careers built upon designing information. You can design information graphically or content-based. However the simple connection of design and content do not encapsulate IDandT totally. To really understand IDandT, one must also have a grasp on emerging technologies, concepts, and theories that are ever-evolving. And they must also understand and be willing to adapt to change. All the time. Without it, IDandT wouldn't be what it is. And it wouldn't be so important.

One technology that proves this point is Google Wave. I've put a lot of thought into it lately. I'm not sure I understand how it solves a collaboration problem. What I do understand about it is that it provides instant communications as they occur. For example: RSS feeds, breaking news, and other up-to-date news and information portals/sites provide to-the-minute information. However, it's not truly real-time. A true real-time platform is one where you can see the author as they are completing the work. This also allows an opportunity to study and analyze how the mind of an information designer may work. Although Wave may seem good in theory, I'm not quite bought into the idea that it is the next big technology. People like their information up-to-date and late-breaking, but instantaneous communication as its occurring is unforgiving. And I'm not sure if I want the world to follow my every backspace, Ctrl+Z, and misspelling as they occur.

What I am sure of is that the world and technology is changing in every moment that passes. I've asked myself many times, what would I like to do when I graduate with my IDandT degree? The information world is mine to conquer. And I always conclude with the same answer. As long as it involves the following things, I will be happy.

Information, Creativity, Change, and Challenge.


To Thesis or To Project

So now that I've had a day to think about "to thesis or to project," I've decided that the prospect of a project sounds more satisfying. And, after Steve's recent Tiddlywiki post, I LOVE the idea that he proposed below. Love.

A Hypertextual Interpretation of "How Has the Internet Changed the Way You Think?" - This project interprets a series of answers to that question, posed by Edge, using hypertext to draw links between common concepts and ideas. The narrative describes the underlying motivation behind creating this project, places the project in theoretical context, and assesses the implementation of the project.

It draws on many of my keywords and concepts I started this journey with. And presenting an analysis is always fun (after all, what would this journey be like if it didn't have some good old fashioned fun?).


Moleskine Musings

Welcome everyone! I've began the journey of document my thesis ideas many times before. I even keep my favorite Moleskine with me at all times so I can record them as they occur. But now the time is really here and I need to have THE idea!

Over the past six months, I've thought a lot about t
he process of the Thesis. I thought it best to start at the beginning with keywords and evolve from there. Some I have noted include: collaboration, emerging technology, new media, social media, subcultures, and the concept that content is king (not in a James-Cameron-king-of-the-world way).

Some ideas written do
wn include:

1. Embracing User-generated content as a catalyst to social change.
2. New media and interactivity - a one-to-many or many-to-many approach?
3. What your Facebook status says about you: Can they be categorized?
4. Texting and microblogging: the age of BBM, SMS, Bit.ly, and everything else acronym.

My place of work is also implementing a Learning Management System in the upcoming months - it will be installed, tested, and rolled out by September. If there was ever a good project to do with perfect timing, it'd be that one. But what research question would I pose? Is it possible to even research and implement simultaneously? Because of the prospect of parallel work, I'm more apt to go the traditional Thesis route.

So, what's my favorite idea? Number 4. Now if I could only give it a little framing.